Collaborate. Cultivate.
Dedicated to providing quality training to Direct Support Professionals in Home & Community Based Services.
Dedicated to providing quality training to Direct Support Professionals in Home & Community Based Services.
Theia Learning Online provides resources tailored for Direct Support Professionals. Here, you will find our freshest content designed to illuminate your path and broaden your horizons. Our experienced nurses share their valuable knowledge to empower you in your journey. We invite you to reach out with any questions or to request new content that meets your needs. We are committed to providing unwavering support to dedicated professionals like you.
All of our courses are developed by experienced and qualified Registered Nurses. Designed specifically for Direct Support Professionals.
Online courses that fit your schedule, from nurses that are committed to supporting you throughout your journey.
Once you have received your Certificate of Completion for any of the courses offered, you can work for any provider that Theia Health Group provides services for.